Plot: Ken (Shahkrit Yamnarm) is a heartthrob actor who has a bad boy reputation of loving beautiful women and dumping them as soon he finds somebody new. His complicated relationships always lead to a lot of gossips. However, when Ken announces his decision to get married, he receives a lot of unwanted attention from the public. Soon, Ken starts to believe that he is being threatened by his fan club members and also by the paparazzi for the sudden decision. When the threats get deadly, the heartbreaker begins to realize that maybe an envious ghost of his former lover intends of haunting him from the grave and never plan on letting him go all along.
Genre: Horror
Language: Thai
Subtitle: English Subtitle Hardsubbed
Format: MKV
Source: My Ex Haunted Lover 2010 DVDRip x264-LP
Encoder: LessImportantPerson
Plot: Ken (Shahkrit Yamnarm) is a heartthrob actor who has a bad boy reputation of loving beautiful women and dumping them as soon he finds somebody new. His complicated relationships always lead to a lot of gossips. However, when Ken announces his decision to get married, he receives a lot of unwanted attention from the public. Soon, Ken starts to believe that he is being threatened by his fan club members and also by the paparazzi for the sudden decision. When the threats get deadly, the heartbreaker begins to realize that maybe an envious ghost of his former lover intends of haunting him from the grave and never plan on letting him go all along.
Genre: Horror
Language: Thai
Subtitle: English Subtitle Hardsubbed
Format: MKV
Source: My Ex Haunted Lover 2010 DVDRip x264-LP
Encoder: LessImportantPerson
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