"3,2,1 Cinta" follows a tomboyish girl named Sam (Diana Amir) who recently enrols in a university to further her studies. It is then when she meets her close friend back from high school, Fariz (Pierre Andre). During their hangout sessions, Sam realises that with her rough behaviour, she might just be single till her death. Out of nowhere, Sam meets Nazril (Farid Kamil) who happens to be the most eligible guy in the whole campus. She feels challenged when Fariz tells her that Nazril only entertains pretty girls, thus she goes on a mission to woo Nazril.
Genre: Comedy | Romance
Language: Malay
Subtitle: Malay Subtitle Hardsubbed
Source: 321 Cinta 2011 SDTV Jiwang.ORG
Genre: Comedy | Romance
Language: Malay
Subtitle: Malay Subtitle Hardsubbed
Source: 321 Cinta 2011 SDTV Jiwang.ORG
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