Plot: Nomi Kanjuro (Takaaki Nomi) is a master less samurai on the run after throwing away his sword for good. He has with him his headstrong 9-year-old daughter Tae (Sea Kumada). A bounty is soon placed on Nomi Kanjuro and 3 assassins go after the score.
Plot: Nomi Kanjuro (Takaaki Nomi) is a master less samurai on the run after throwing away his sword for good. He has with him his headstrong 9-year-old daughter Tae (Sea Kumada). A bounty is soon placed on Nomi Kanjuro and 3 assassins go after the score.
When Nomi Kanjuro is
eventually captured and placed in front of the local feudal lord (Jun
Kunimura) he is given a choice. A boy prince has been grieving ever
since the death of his mother. Nobody has been able to make the boy
smile. Nomi can attempt to make the boy smile within 30 days or he must
commit seppuku (suicide).
Genre: Comedy
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English Subtitle Hardsubbed
Genre: Comedy
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English Subtitle Hardsubbed
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